Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tha Very Beginning of Tha Project: Coincidencez & Mirrorz by #andRu?

This was the post on Facebook that started it all....on Dec. 19 '13.

From this came tha basis for tha Secret Revolution Theory, or #SRTforFreedom...

From this came #andRu? going even deeper, a bit nuttier, maybe...

From this came Our Project, dear Projectorz...

Well, Tha Project is actually a LOT of thingz, but after I wrote this I did coin tha term Tha Madonna Beyoncé Gaia Project...

Here'z why...

"Because I Believe in Freedom of Self-Expression...

FIRST WRITTEN: December 19, 2013 at 3:26pm by #andRu?

Here is what I wrote on PawsDownLittleMonsters, a Gaga-hating site, after they tried to compare Beyoncé buying all the ads on iTunes to Gaga's recent desperation, summing up what I have said on various threads.  It is within the last 24 hours that I am realizing all of this.  I will try and leave the matter alone after this, but Im very pumped up about it, with everything that I am and I believe…

'I hope u now realize how foolish and pre-emptive this article was. I hope u now see that:
Madonna doing the SuperBowl - then BAM! tha MDNA Tour! - One of the greatest expressionz from a female pop artist ever - in the same year 
Beyoncé doing the SuperBowl - then BAM! whilst doing the Mrs. Carter Tour she released One of the greatest expressionz from a female pop artist ever - in the same year...

Both were sold to us as tha 'Greatest Moments in TV history..' 
Madonna unleashing her 'Secret Project Revolution of Love' in 2013 that called for all of us to create artforfreedom(.com) of self-expression from the GROUND UP
Beyoncé releasing a secret project and now starting a possible revolution with Beyoncé, a work of art about freedom of self-expression from the TOP LEVEL...
They are working IN TANDEM, from opposite ends of the spectrum, starting a revolution in our society so obsessed with fame and The Voice, with Youtube and camera phones... 
Why can't we all be popstars now??? With all this technology all it now takes is will.
If there is an Illuminati, and it operates thru these divas' art, as many people claim, represented by the eye symbol found on both M's SecretProjectRevolution and in Beyoncé, and these women so lovingly guide their followers to it...maybe there is a higher evolutionary force at work for a society that has to be controlled and contained in some way, or else fail?? 
Idk those answers. Fully.  Yet.
I jus know this a rLoveUtion, nothing will ever be the same. Beyoncé started a template in the music industry Madonna will likely want to follow - why bow to the pressures of radio and illegal downloads when u can actually somewhat contain and control it all, at least in the beginning???? 
I believe Gaga, Miley, Katy, Britney...with releases all perfectly sparsed out before this was a plan by SOMEONE to show, hey, u can release it the Old way and sell 200,000 copies the first week, or the new way and sell near a million... Take ur pick, popstarz!!! 
Mark my words. 
Welcome to the future.'

Gotta start somewhere..."

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